Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Please find the analysis of Margin Statement below:
T-1 day Balance : The balance as on Trade - 1 day . For eg. If the margin statement is dated 13th October, T-1 day balance implies balance as on 12th October.

Shortage : Shortage implies if there has been any shortage of margins for positions carried forward by you.
Margin Utilized : Implies the margin utilized, if any for cash segment.
T Day Debits : Debits on account of DP charges or any other statutory charges other than shown on Contract Note.
T Day Credit :  Credit on client account with respect to anything other than the credit shown on Contract Note.
T Day Bill : Profit/Loss posted on the ledger on account of the trades initiated by the client.
The same logic would apply for F&O Segment as well.

Important Points to Note while analyzing the Statement :
  • T Day credits are not considered for the purpose of margin reporting.
  • T Day debits are considered on the same day.
  • T Day Credit for Equity is realised on T+2
  • T Day Credit for F&O is realised on T+1
Hope this clarifies on the purpose of sending you the Margin Statement.


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